I love easy to use websites that not only are good looking but also will help. Find in here some of my latest UI and Visual works. Alves Devine - O Chocolatinho. O Chocolatinho is an Azorean brand of premium chocolate. I was asked to remake the logo of their brand and that the image would transmit, quality, refinement and luxury. Photoshop, WordPress, Zurb Foundation, HTML, CSS. I have a degree in Compu.
Unsere Wurzeln liegen tief in der bayerischen Braukunst verankert. Unsere Flügel sind unsere Lust am Bierbrauen. Und eine gehörige Prise Kreativität! Jedem Bier seinen unverwechselbaren Charakter zu verleihen. Immer frisch, immer aus ausgesuchten, natürlichen Rohstoffen und entweder nach alt- überlieferten oder neuen, innovativen. Unsere Biere, Limonaden und Fruchtsaftgetränke liefern wir Ihnen direkt nach Hause. Bestellen Sie einfach und bequem.
Welcome to the website of the UKIP Parliamentary Candidate for Wellingborough and Rushden. Of the fight to win this seat in the General Election on 7th May 2015. A link to my twitter feed. Follow me for up to date comment on the political situation nationally and locally. Giving dates of meetings that you can attend to find out more and to have your questions answered. About our candidates in the Borough Election for the local council and their campaigns.
Martes, 21 de julio de 2009. The time to leave arrives. Mis maletas vuelven llenas de momentos, buenos y no tan buenos, de recuerdos, de amigos y de muchísima alegría que necesitaré para poder volver a readaptarme a mi vida donostiarra. Habeis sido muchos los que me habeis venido a visitar, y os lo agradezco de corazón. Habeis sido muchos los que me habeis apoyado durante este año, y jamás lo olvidaré. Martes, 7 de julio de 2009. San Fermin en el ático. Y el jueves, llegó mi últim.
Segunda-feira, abril 16, 2007. Como é o lugar quando ninguém passa por ele? O interior do apartamento desabitado,. A pinça esquecida na gaveta,. Os eucaliptos à noite no caminho. A formiga sob a terra no domingo,. Os mortos, um minuto. No quarto sem espelho? Que fazem, que são. As coisas não testadas como coisas,. Minerais não descobertos - e algum dia. Que nunca ninguém leu? Existe, existe o mundo.
It Is What It Is, Love. Imperfectly balancing insanity and grace. Tuesday, December 30, 2008. Call me bella, please. The excuse for my excessive absence. Wednesday, December 24, 2008. This baby would one day save me. For God so loved the world that he gave. His one and only Son. I Celebrate the Day, Relient K. And with this Christmas wish is missed. The point I could convey.